IALA Buoyage – Quiz

During Deck Officer MCA oral exams it is almost guaranteed that the examiner will present the student with questions regarding the IALA buoyage system. These will either be standalone questions for example “Tell me everything you know about this buoy?” or form part of a rule of a rule of the road scenario eg. “Drive your vessel up this channel safely” with model buoys placed on the table for candidates to respond to. If you answer any rule of the road or buoyage question wrongly you will automatically fail your MCA oral exam. To help you study and identify any weak areas try out our IALA buoyage test below. You need to be logged in to the website to gain access to the quiz.


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About Admin

Admin founded Officer of the Watch in January 2016. He currently serves as Third Officer with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and holds a UK MCA II/1 – OOW Unlimited Certificate of Competency.

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