Rule of the Road Quiz 2

Deck Officers require a comprehensive knowledge of The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). You must be able to correctly assess any situation you come across and determine the correct course of action to take in compliance with the COLREGS. You will be thoroughly examined on this area when sitting your MCA Oral exam at all levels.

The Quiz below replicates the style of question you can expect to encounter at your oral examination. For all questions you are the watchkeeping officer on a Power Driven Vessel which is 150m in length. Take you’re time to thoroughly assess each situation before you formulate an answer. After each question you will be provided with a textbook answer. Remember that in the real MCA oral exam failure to give the correct answer will instantly result in an overall fail.   Good Luck!


Start the ROR Quiz

Test your Rule of the Road knowledge.


About Admin

Admin founded Officer of the Watch in January 2016. He currently serves as Third Officer with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and holds a UK MCA II/1 – OOW Unlimited Certificate of Competency.

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2 thoughts on “Rule of the Road Quiz

  • Neeraj Sharma

    26. Question
    During the 0000-0400 watch you observe the following vessel crossing from right to left 3 points on your starboard bow. You take a series of compass bearings. The vessels bearing is steady and the range is reducing. Identify the vessel, any action to be taken and the relevant COLREG rule that applies to the situation.


    You should keep out of the way and shall if the circumstances of the case admit avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel. Rule 15 Crossing Situation. Best course of action alter course to starboard and pass clear around the vessels stern.

    Dear Admin Could you please check / elaborate the above action !

    • Admin Post author

      Neeraj, Good spot! Unfortunately the wrong image was shown on this question as the tug and two were crossing left to right instead of right to left. The question has now been updated with the correct image. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to comment. Thanks for your feedback.
