Monthly archives: March 2016

  Dry cargo space calculations at the OOW level take account of a number of factors these include: The cargo stowage factor (SF) Broken Stowage (BS) Grain Space Bale Space All of the above including example calculations are discussed in the following PowerPoint:

Dry Cargo Space Calculations OOW

  When loading deck cargo their is 5 basic considerations that must be taken into account by the OOW these are: Strength Stability Visibility Drainage Safe Access The PowerPoint below discusses these in further detail and is available to download for offline viewing.          

Deck Cargo OOW Basic Considerations

  Toms Chartwork Rules is an easy to follow downloadable PDF that guides you through the following practical chartwork problems: Allowing. Transferred position lines. Transferred position circles. Single alteration of course. Horizontal sextant angles. Vertical sextant angles. Counteracting. Luminous and geographic ranges.    

Toms Chartwork Rules

There are numerous situations in which it may be necessary to contact the Chief Engineer and you will find many lists online which detail specific scenarios or examples. Many would argue however that, depending on the manning of your vessel, it is more likely that you will raise most concerns […]

When to call the Chief Engineer

This PowerPoint is intended to deliver a very brief introduction into various areas of Maritime Law that impact the Engineering Officer of the Watch. The specific areas covered include: IMO SOLAS,1974 MARPOL 73/78 STCW, 1978 ISM Code COSWP    

EOOW Maritime Law – A Brief Introduction

It’s imperative that every Watchkeeping Officer has a sound knowledge of the correct actions to take when entering restricted visibility. The BPG (Bridge Procedures Guide) contains a helpful supporting checklist which is available to download below. The immediate actions are as follows: Inform the Master. This is also a statutory legal […]

Actions When Entering Restricted Visibility

Below you will find a comprehensive list of the equipment, stationary and books that will help you in Deck Officer College studies and throughout your seagoing career. There list is split into essential equipment that you must get and highly recommended which although not absolutely required will increase your chances of […]

Equipment List – Deck Officers and Cadets

Interpretation of Winds on a Synoptic Chart Obtaining wind speed from a synoptic chart The video below described how to interpret the wind speed from a synoptic chart.  Remember it can only give a rough estimate of the likely winds that may be experienced at that position.  Your synoptic chart must have a geostrophic […]

Synoptic Charts – Wind Speed and Direction – Video Tutorial

  After several weeks of development today marks the day when the Officer of the Watch M-Notice Searcher goes live. The tool has links in the main menu and homepage but it can also be accessed by the following link M-Notice Searcher. It displays all MSN’s, MGN’s and MIN’s in reverse chronological order. […]

M-Notice Searcher Goes Live