Monthly archives: May 2016

  The UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) Safety digests are collections of anonymous articles involving vessels from the merchant, fishing and small craft sectors which draws the attention of the marine community to some of the lessons arising from a variety of accidents.

MAIB Safety Digest – Volume 1 2016

  I’m delighted to announce that on the 6th May 2016 the Marine Society won the Seatrade Awards prestigious  ‘Investment in People’ category. This was in recognition of the charity’s excellent @Sea online education programmes. The Marine Society’s award winning apps are maritime-themed e-learning courses designed specifically for seafarers to help improve their basic knowledge […]

Marine Society Wins Seatrade Award

  THE INTERNATIONAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT CODE (ISM)   Objectives The objectives of the ISM Code are; 1. To ensure Safety at Sea and the prevention of human injury or loss of life. 2. To avoid damage to the environment, in particular the marine environment and to property. To support the […]

ISM Code