For deck officers the first stage in obtaining an MCA Oral examination date or sitting an SQA written examination is to complete MSF 4274 ‘Application For An Oral Examination Leading To The Issue Of A Certificate Of Competency (STCW) For Masters, Chief Mates And Deck Officers In The Merchant Navy’. A copy of this form is available to download below. MSF 4274 is split into several sections to enable easy completion. These are:
- Personal Details
- Certificate Applied For – Simply tick the relevant COC that you wish to be examined for.
- Sea Service – Enter all the details relating to your sea service in this section. Remember to include supporting sea service testimonials when sending the application. Each full calendar month is counted as one month. Any remaining days for uncompleted full months should be added together. Every 30 of these days is counted as one day. If you’re unsure use our sea service calculator below.
- Complete the checklist and enclose all required documents and evidence. If you are applying for your first COC then you should also complete the checklist in section 4B. If you are a cadet or other candidate following an MNTB approved training route which allows reduced sea service must include supporting letters from your nautical college and enclose your training record book.
- Sign the deceleration.
- Obtain a counter signature.
- Complete your payment details. The current application fee is £201.
The application should now be sent to the following address:
Seafarer Training and Certification Branch
Maritime and Coastguard Agency the MCA
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG
It is strongly recommended that you send the application and your documents using a recorded mail service such as Royal Mail Special Delivery or as a minimum Royal Mail Recorded Delivery. As long as your documents are in satisfactory order and you meet the requirements to sit the oral exam you will be issued with a Notice of Eligibility (NOE).
Once in receipt of your NOE you are now eligible to sit the SQA written exams. In order to obtain an oral exam date you should completed section 4 (application for an Oral exam) and send the form back to the Seafarer Training and Certification Branch at the same address above. The MCA will subsequently respond to you via letter inviting you to sit your oral exam at a specific time/date.
Application for a Notice of Eligibility