Maritime Educational Foundation
“A Centre of Excellence for seafarer training and industry support”
The STCW Convention 1978 has been amended by the 2010 Manila Amendments and contains new requirements for all seafarers. Seafarers are required, every five years, to provide evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities regarding emergency, occupational safety and survival functions. The provision of safety training for all employees is, of course, the responsibility of the employer. However the MEF recognise that, particularly in the present economic climate, some seafarers may find themselves unemployed and needing to update their STCW certificates in order to secure future contracts.
Keeping talent in the industry
The MEF realises the importance of keeping skills and experience within the industry and we offer individual funding support to unemployed officers and ratings who wish to undertake approved training leading to updating their STCW certification. For more details and an application form please visit
Case Study 1
Bob Freeman
“Due to the recent slump in the Oil & Gas market I found myself out of work. I knew that I would need to update my tickets, which was not a problem whilst employed, but with no income of any sort became a bit of a struggle.
I was informed by the local RMT Branch Official that funding was available from The Maritime Educational Foundation to put me through the STCW updating courses. I contacted the MEF a few days later and from then on it was a breeze.”
Case Study 2
“I would not be on this ship or any ship if it was not for the MEF. I cannot thank you enough. The application process was very straight forward and the support was always at the end of the phone”
Case Study 3
“MEF training funding is the unknown saviour of the seas. During a brief spell out of work I realised some crucial refresher training was needed to ensure my Masters CoC was valid for future postings. By sheer luck I heard by word of mouth about MEF funding and thought it must be worth a try. The application process couldn’t be simpler. In the current industry downturn and looming Manila refreshers needed, I would urge anyone needing assistance to get in touch for the help they require”
In recognition of the present situation in the offshore oil sector MEF Trustees have recently allocated funding to support UK officers with industry-approved courses that may assist employability within sectors other than offshore e.g. ferries, wind farm support and yachting. Industry-approved courses such as those required/offered by Renewables-UK/Global Wind Organisation MEOL; and MIST; that may assist employability within sectors other than offshore will be considered for funding on a case by case basis.
Kathryn Nielson MEF Chair –
The Maritime Educational Foundation (MEF) is a shipping industry charitable organisation overseen by a board of Trustees who represent Nautilus International, the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers union (RMT), several UK based shipping companies and the UK Chamber of Shipping.
We strive to be a centre of excellence for seafarer training and provides support to the maritime sector for defined education and training purposes. The MEF has a three stranded approach to supporting UK seafarers:
1. To support rating training and development;
2. To support officer training and development;
3. To provide funding support to specific activities and projects that will facilitate and promote the education and training of UK seafarers in maritime skills.For more information please visit out website